Get paid up to 2 days early.1
Banking That
Works For You
Earn real cashback, get paid up to 2 days early1, and move your money when and where you want to.
Powered by Pathward®, N.A., Member FDIC.
Make Money Work For You.
Access up to $1,000 of your paycheck with interest-free Instacash®.2
Buy Bitcoin or start investing with your spare change using Round Ups.3
MoneyLion WOW members get purchase protection covering travel, phones, event tickets, and more.11
Real Cashback. No BS.
Earn up to $500 cashback on 5 qualifying purchases of $10 or more each month.
Get rewarded when you shop at your favorite stores online.
MoneyLion WOW members get cashback on every qualifying purchase of $10 or more.4
Your Cash.
Your Rules.
Deposit funds automatically into your account using a custom schedule.
Add funds to your RoarMoney account through a network of 90K+ retailers nationwide.5
Withdraw from 55K fee-free ATMs.6
Settle up: Send and receive money without fees using MoneyLion Pay.7
Peace of Mind
Always Safe.
Always Secure.
Funds are FDIC-insured up to $250,000.
Debit cards are backed by the benefits and reliability of Mastercard including Price Protection, Zero Liability, Extended Warranty.8
Lock your card instantly in the app anytime.
Zero Minimums.
Zero Hidden Fees.
No Catch.
No ATM fees at 55,000+ Allpoint® locations.6
No minimum balance fees.
MoneyLion WOW members get refunds on foreign transaction fees on purchases.13
Track &
Track your spending with weekly reports to view your spending habits by category.
Discover new money hacks, content, and personalized insights to level up your finances.9
How it works
- Create your account
Create your account and choose your money goals to personalize your experience. It takes just a few minutes. - Easily add funds to your account
Easily add funds to your account via 4 different methods: cash, debit card, direct deposit, or external transfer. - Activate your virtual card
Activate your virtual card in the app to start using it right away. - Make it yours
Make it yours. Choose your favorite color for your physical card and have it shipped to you.
Never Overpay To Shop
Get cashback14, insurance on your purchases11, and access to a black metal debit card.15
![Never Overpay To Shop](/_next/image?