Republic Services

Republic Services


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Republic Services, Inc. is a provider environmental services in the United States. The Company's segments include Group 1, Group 2, and Corporate entities and other. Its Group 1 and Group 2 segments provide integrated waste management services. Group 1 consists of geographic areas located in the western United States. Group 2 consists of geographic areas located in the southeastern and mid-western United States, and the eastern seaboard of the United States. Its segments provide integrated environmental services, including collection, transfer, recycling, and disposal services. It operates facilities in approximately 41 states through 345 collection operations, 220 transfer stations, 186 active landfills, 76 recycling processing centers, six treatment, recovery and disposal facilities, nine salt water disposal wells, and seven deep injection wells. It also operates around 75 landfill gas and renewable energy projects and had post-closure responsibility for 128 closed landfills.



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