Still going to the bank? Here are 3 tech upgrades.

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There’s no reason to put up with slow, bad, or overpriced banking experiences anymore.

Banking today is more personalized than ever. This customization can give you what you care about at a lower cost because you pay only for what you want. Traditional “big banks” are losing customers to smart FinTech (financial technology) companies that provide convenient, intuitively designed mobile apps that can assist consumers with all their financial needs, such as tracking spending, managing debt, monitoring credit, or getting a loan. And FinTech is a welcome relief for customers tired of wasting time in a stuffy bank waiting to add services or apply for a loan (that they might not even get).

With FinTech companies, you’re in control.

  1. Be heard, empowered, and valued.
    FinTech companies are much more focused on delivering an exceptional user experience than traditional banks have been. As with Facebook, Google, and Pandora, you can enjoy a 24/7 digital relationship with your FinTech provider through their mobile app and social media channels. You can also connect with other users to compare experiences and tips, rate products, and find support in a community of people who want the best financial services possible.

  2. Borrow money even if you don’t have great credit.
    After the global financial crisis of 2008, the big banks became very strict about loaning money to consumers. Non-traditional lenders started to emerge, and now there are many options. These lenders are often willing to look beyond consumers’ credit scores to grasp their overall financial potential and offer them the loans they need.

  3. Live your financial life on your terms.
    FinTech companies are like the Uber of banking: more affordable, more reliable, and faster. The experience you get with the combo of finance and technology is on your terms. For example, when you need a quick loan, you can use your smartphone to request one and receive the funds the same day — deposited directly to your account. And you can relax when you have a more enjoyable user experience and feel comfortable that you can find pricing to fit your budget.

Ready to manage your money better than ever?
MoneyLion Plus is a prime example of how FinTech innovation benefits consumers. It’s a membership that gives you access to a low 5.99% APR loan whenever you need it without having to reapply, plus automated savings into a fully guided investment account.

MoneyLion Plus makes loans easy to get and takes the complexity and guesswork out of saving and investing. Want to learn more?

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