Welcome to the MoneyLion Community

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Everyone’s financial journey is different, and that’s what makes the Community tab a powerful tool.

Your money questions, answered by real people + real-world ideas to help you reach your money goals.

Ever wonder how others are saving for a big trip or juggling side hustles? You’re not alone. The MoneyLion Community is your go-to space for honest conversations about money.

You can find relatable tips and strategies that have worked for others — from building a $1,000 emergency fund to managing debt, or boosting your savings. The possibilities are endless.

So, join the chat. No judgment, just support.

What makes the Community tab click?

  • Real Questions, Real People. Connect with others who are on the same path and sharing their insights.
  • Money Tips That Make Sense. From creative side hustles to practical saving strategies, discover tips others have found helpful.
  • Earn While You Learn. Unlock badges and the opportunity to earn cash rewards the more you interact with Community Posts!

Getting started is easy:

  1. Open the MoneyLion app and tap Discover.
  2. Tap the Community tab in the upper right corner.
  3. Use the filter in the top left corner to find topics that matter most to you.
  4. See something interesting? Tap the comment button.
  5. Share your story, ask a question, or drop a money tip of your own.

People are already talking.
Jump in and join the conversation.