Anscia B. is paving the way for others to succeed by giving back

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In honor of Black History Month, we’re interviewing some African American members of the MoneyLion team. Originally from Washington, DC, Anscia B. is a Marketing Associate on the Content Marketing Team in San Francisco, CA. She is helping pave the way by reaching back to help others in her community succeed. Here’s what she had to say.

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Washington, DC with my grandmother and my little sister. Growing up in Washington, DC allowed me to see people that look like me thrive, whether it be the in the government, as a small business owner, or as a start-up founder/CEO.

Who inspires you?
I’m definitely inspired by Michelle Obama. She defines the word FEARLESS.

As a former White House intern for Former First Lady Michelle Obama, I’ve been able to see up close the love and passion she has for all communities and other women around her. Despite the obstacles in her career, she always sought the high road with plenty of grace.

What do you think about when you hear “Black History Month?”

What is your role at MoneyLion?
I’m a Marketing Associate at MoneyLion. I schedule and strategize our social content while engaging with our awesome members in the MoneyLion Plus Facebook Group. I help out with our social efforts here at the company.

What do you like best about working at MoneyLion?
I love seeing successful financial stories from our members! It shows that our products and services are working. We will continue moving the needle to provide the best for our members.

What’s your favorite feature in the MoneyLion app?
My favorite feature in the MoneyLion app is the cashback rewards. My cashback streak is nearly one year*, and I can’t wait until I reach that mark.

What advice do you have for others in your community pursuing their goals?
Regardless of your socio-economic background, don’t ever feel that you aren’t enough. Take every day as a learning experience, but don’t let that be the thing that holds you back. You’re enough and show the world how valuable you are.

*Terms and Conditions Apply, MoneyLion Plus membership required. Cashback flows into MoneyLion Investment Account. Investment accounts Are Not FDIC Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value.

See MoneyLion Cashback Rewards Program terms and conditions.

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