How to prepare your home for any disaster

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Prepare your home for any natural disaster ?

A disaster can strike when we least expect it. That’s why, in observance of Emergency Preparedness Week, we wanted to talk about the measures you can put in place to keep your household and family as safe as possible.

Here’s how to prepare your home for any disaster:

How to prepare for a fire ?

One of the most common household emergencies is a fire, so it’s important to have measures in place to limit the amount of damage. Start by making sure that you have enough smoke alarms and that they’re in the correct locations throughout the house. Experts recommend having one fire alarm on each level of your home, one in each room, and one outside of each sleeping area. Be sure to check that alarms work regularly and replace batteries yearly. Always keep a fire extinguisher near the kitchen, which is where many fires start.

If you have young children in the house, teach them what a smoke alarm sounds like and what to do if they hear one. Live in an apartment or multi-level home? Be sure to teach the kiddos at least two different escape routes and where to meet outside of the home if an emergency does happen.

How to prepare for flooding ?

For those living in flood-prone areas, there are a few precautions that you can take to prepare. Store all important documents, like Social Security cards, birth certificates, and insurance documents, in waterproof containers. Keep a couple cases of bottled water stocked up at all times, as local water sources can become contaminated during natural disasters. Also, keep a separate supply of canned food that can be eaten without a heat source and has a long shelf life.

Don’t wait until a disaster (such as a major storm) strikes or is imminent to purchase extra food and water. Store shelves usually get cleared out by people stocking up last minute.

How to prepare for an earthquake ⚡️

Earthquakes can be very destructive and can sometimes leave you without power or a water supply. Again, be sure to stock up on both water and canned goods. To minimize damage and injury, identify the best place within your home to take cover. Try a sturdy desk or table that you’re able to hang on to tightly. Make sure everyone within your household knows how to signal for help if they’re trapped by knocking repeatedly until help arrives.

Earthquakes happen very quickly, so if you live in an area that does experience them, practice with your family and young children so they can react as quickly as possible.

How to prepare for a tornado ?

Tornadoes can also happen very quickly. If you live throughout the Midwestern states that often experience tornadoes, it’s important to have an area within your home that your family can gather until it passes. The best rooms are usually within a basement or cellar that doesn’t have any windows. Keep a radio handy to listen to the most up to date information from your local newscasts.

Know your escape routes ?

Regardless of the type of emergency that can happen in your area, it’s important to know an escape route for you and your family. You can often check with your local authorities for what plans the city has in place in case of an emergency. Also, check what the recommended types of insurances are to have in your area (fire, flood, earthquakes, etc.). One of the key pillars of a healthy financial heartbeat is insurance coverage.

Stay tuned for our full ==Checklist of everything your home needs in case of an emergency==.

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