Anna Yen

Anna Yen, CFA, has nearly 2 decades of experience in financial markets, primarily with JPMorgan and UBS. Currently, she manages digital assets and her goal at FamilyFI is to empower families with financial literacy. She’s worked in 5 countries and visited 57.

Stories by Anna Yen

How to Transfer Money From Prepaid Card to Bank Account
How to Transfer Money From Prepaid Card to Bank Account: 6 Steps

Congratulations! You found money on a prepaid debit card. Now what? You're likely wondering how to transfer money from a prepaid card to a…

Best Strategy to Avoid Paying Interest on Your Credit Cards
What Is the Best Strategy to Avoid Paying Interest on Your Credit Cards?

Credit cards offer convenience when making purchases. You can buy things online and don’t need to worry about walking around with cash. However,…

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9 Tips For How To Use A Credit Card Wisely

Credit cards make life easier. You don’t have to worry about cash or paying immediately. You can also buy almost anything you need…

what is a good credit score
What Is A Good Credit Score?

What's in a number? When it comes to your credit score, quite a lot. This three-digit financial fingerprint can be the key to…

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