How much does it cost to get a new debit card?

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get a new debit card

Many people use debit cards to cover expenses. These cards let you access available funds in your checking account. While these cards provide convenience, your card may get lost or stolen. What happens if you need to get a new debit card? We’ll share everything you need to know about getting your replacement and how much it will cost.

Disable your debit card

If your debit card gets lost or stolen, disable it right away. Disabling your debit card prevents someone else from spending your hard-earned money. Debit cards come with a protective PIN, but you don’t want your active card residing in someone else’s hands. 

If you’ve looked everywhere for your debit card and still can’t find it, assume someone stole it. Planning for the worst-case scenario will keep your bank account safe.

Your delivery preference determines the total cost

When you get a new debit card, a bank will often ship it to your address. Each bank has different pricing structures, but they all offer two delivery options. You can either pay a debit card replacement fee or a rush replacement fee. 

Debit card replacement fee

The debit card replacement fee covers regular delivery time. Some banks do not charge a fee for standard shipping. Most banks will charge less than $10 for a debit card replacement fee if they do not offer a free option.

Debit card rush replacement fee

Not everyone can wait a week to get their new debit card. Some people use a debit card for every purchase and need a new card immediately. 

A rush replacement fee lets debit cardholders pay extra for expedited delivery. Most banks will get the debit card to your door overnight or within three days.

Debit card rush replacement fees vary. You can expect to pay $20 to $40 for a replacement.

Get a new debit card at a local branch 

Some local banks let you get a new debit card at a local branch. Many banks will print you a new debit card for free if you show up. Verify that a local department offers this choice before visiting.

A virtual debit card is the most affordable choice

What if you could never lose your debit card? Instead of carrying a physical card, you can get a new debit card on your smartphone. You can access a virtual debit card from any device to make payments. 

You can get a new debit card, but what if it gets lost or stolen again? All of the fees and stress will add up. A virtual card has many benefits you won’t find with physical debit cards.

Enhanced security

If someone takes a picture of your debit card, they have vital information. Thieves can plug your name and account number into any website. If they discover your PIN, they can make any purchase.

If someone takes a screenshot of your virtual debit card, they do not get those vital details. A virtual debit card does not show the number at the front of the card. These cards do not come with magnetic scan codes.

A virtual debit card also comes with a PIN. However, you can boost security with face scan protection. Some virtual debit cards require a face scan before granting access to funds. 

You can also create single-use authorization codes for every purchase. You’ll receive an email or text message containing a one-time verification code. You can also use a temporary debit card number for online purchases instead of the one linked to your bank account. 

It’s the debit card equivalent of redirecting mail from one address to another. Senders don’t receive your actual address, just as websites don’t receive your bank account number. This safety feature makes it far more difficult for thieves to use your funds. 

A hacker who infiltrates your online data will find the redirect number instead of your bank account number. You can quickly disable alternate numbers to protect your funds.


Not everyone can control their spending. Some people use credit cards to buy goods today with future money. A debit card reduces this urge, but temptations can still lure us from good money habits.

Virtual debit cards let you set spending limits. These limits allow you to avoid overdraft fees and other inconveniences. You can also select which companies can accept your debit card. This control feature makes it more difficult to buy from businesses outside of those you know. If you want greater variety, you can turn off this feature so you can freely use your debit card for any merchant.

You can easily get a new debit card 

You can instantly replace your virtual debit card for free. Instead of waiting for it to arrive in the mail, you can start using it right away. This setup makes debit card replacements less burdensome.

You will primarily need a debit card replacement if someone discovers your account number. Since a virtual debit card is easier to replace, you may change the numbers each year as an additional security protocol. 

Upgrade to virtual perks

A virtual debit card presents many advantages over its physical counterpart. It costs less to get a new debit card if you switch to virtual. You also get enhanced security features and control over your finances. 

If you want to get a new debit card from a traditional bank, it can cost you. Some cardholders wait over a week for their card to arrive. Others pay a higher fee, so the card comes in one to three business days. Look for a virtual card with convenience and flexibility, and rewards!


Is a virtual debit card safe?

A virtual debit card comes with several security features. They are safer than physical debit cards.

How long does it take to get a new debit card?

A rushed delivery can arrive within one to three business days. Standard delivery can arrive within a week.

What is the fastest way to get a new debit card?

Rushed delivery or a visit to your local branch works better than standard delivery. However, virtual debit cards arrive the fastest. You can get a new virtual debit card immediately.

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