Can You Quit Your Job After 2 Weeks?

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Can you quit your job after two weeks? The answer might seem obvious, but it’s actually not as simple as it seems. 

Many factors must be taken into consideration before quitting a job. Let’s explore some of those factors so that you can make an informed decision about what to do if you want to quit your job in two weeks or less.

Is it worth staying for a while?

Before you decide to quit your job, you’ll want to make sure that leaving is the right choice for you. If you quit so soon, you run the risk of being without money, meaning it could be hard to pay your bills or purchase groceries before you find a new job. 

It’s also risky because you don’t know that you’ll find a job as well-paying as the one you currently have. That’s why it’s wise to consider the following questions before quitting for good! 

Are there reasons you’d like to stay?

First, think about the reasons why you took the job in the first place. Did you like the perks of the job or the people that you get to work with? Do you find the work rewarding? Does the schedule work well with your lifestyle? If there are a lot of reasons to stay, you might want to give the job another chance and see if you just need to take some time to adjust to your new schedule.

Can you work something out?

What exactly do you not like about your job? There might be a way to modify the parts you do not like about your position to make it work for you. For example, consider speaking with your boss or HR to see if you can change things up, whether that means switching to a different department within the company or adjusting your day-to-day responsibilities.

Can you find a new job quickly? 

Bills and credit card payments won’t go away when you quit your job. This means you need to know how you’re going to cover your expenses between the time you quit and the moment you get a new job. Are you able to start a side hustle in the meantime? If not, have you considered taking out a Credit Builder Plus loan from MoneyLion to make sure you don’t fall behind on your financial responsibilities?

When is it okay to quit after two weeks or without notice?

At the end of the day, quitting your job is a decision only you can make. There may even be some circumstances where it is okay for you to leave your job without notice or after two weeks. If you find yourself in one of the following situations, it might be time to let go of your current job.

1. Unsafe work environment

Professional courtesy is not a priority in a job that puts you on edge or in harm’s way, especially if you have voiced your concerns to your boss in the past. If you find that your safety is at risk, don’t be afraid to quit.

2. Hostile work environment

If you find that your workplace is a hostile work environment, whether that means you’ve been a victim of bullying, discrimination, or work in a toxic workplace, it’s time to quit your job. This is especially important if you find yourself in a situation where your supervisors are the abusers. Both your mental health and your physical health are more important than a job.

3. Ethical challenges

If your job asks you to do something unethical, it could compromise your personal and professional life more than if you left the position without giving a two-week notice. Going against your personal beliefs to make money is not worth the way it will make you feel. As such, it may be better for you to quit without giving two weeks’ notice.

4. Family emergency

If you find yourself in the middle of a family emergency, you might not be able to work your regular job. However, before deciding to quit, you might want to see if you can work something out with your employer. Are you able to work remotely or apply for FMLA before you quit? Can you take an extended leave of absence instead? There may be other options that don’t entail quitting your job when dealing with a family emergency.

5. Fear of retribution

When you give two weeks’ notice to your current company, you’re doing it out of mutual respect for your employer. It shows you care about the company and want to ensure that they’re not left in a bind. However, if they are known to retaliate against employees, you don’t need to extend that courtesy to your employer.

6. Better opportunities

If you’ve received a better job offer, it might not be worth your time to work out a two-week notice, especially if you need to start the new job immediately. Be honest with yourself about your priorities and make the right decision for you and your career.

7. Lack of work opportunities

If you’re in a situation where there’s no work available at your place of employment, it might be time to quit your job. This is especially true if the lack of hours has led to financial problems that are making life difficult for yourself and others around you. 

How to professionally quit a job you just started

Be polite and communicate clearly

The first step is to ensure that you take the time to communicate with your employer and be polite about the situation. You’ll want to let them know why you’re leaving and how long it will take for you to wrap up your responsibilities.

Give your employer plenty of notice

You’ll want to ensure that you give a two-week notice when you quit your job, so they have enough time to transition your role to someone else. If you work in a higher-level position, you may need to extend your notice to a month or more. However, some jobs may ask you to leave upon giving your notice, so it’s best to expect the unexpected and prepare for anything. 

Review your employment contract

If you have a contract, make sure to review it before quitting and see if there’s anything in the employment agreement that might help. For example, some contracts may require that you give a minimum amount of notice before quitting your job.

Provide resignation letter 

Make sure that you formally provide a resignation letter to your employer. An emailed and a printed copy is best. If you’re not sure how to write a resignation letter, check out this tutorial.

Resign face-to-face

If you quit your job in person, make sure that you do it respectfully. Be courteous and keep the conversation brief. Bring your letter of resignation with you and make sure you have clearly written down your intended last day of work. 

Quit your job the right way 

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to quit your job, you’ll want to ensure that you’re leaving for the right reasons and that you quit the right way. By using the tips we’ve mentioned above, you’ll be able to ensure that you set yourself up for success before finding your next full-time job.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the average person stay at a job?

The average person stays at a job for four years, but the length of time can vary depending on many factors. For example, some people quit after two weeks while others stay for decades.

Can a job refuse to pay you if you quit?

No. Employers must pay you for the hours that you worked regardless of whether you’ve quit or were fired.

How do I quit my job immediately?

To quit your job immediately, you’ll want to talk with your supervisor and write your letter of resignation that clearly states your intended last day of work. 

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