Holiday traditions — MoneyLion style

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Pour the eggnog — the holidays are almost here ?

The holidays are fast approaching, and billions of people around the world will participate in their own traditions. We have to admit, even our most well-known holiday traditions are a bit strange, like hanging stockings. Whose idea was it to put presents in socks? We decided to ask the MoneyLion pride what their unique holiday traditions are, and their answers didn’t disappoint. Here’s what they had to say:

How the MoneyLion pride rocks the holidays ?

Chelsea H. and her family ring sleigh bells on Christmas eve to get the kiddos out of the house in preparation for Santa.

Brittany R. from Oklahoma attempts to watch the entire Harry Potter series with her family during the holidays, but has yet to get all the way through. They call it Harry Pottersgiving!

Alexandra B. also from Oklahoma sets up a hot chocolate bar for her family. Mmmm … you can’t beat chocolate and marshmallows.

Brandon R. from Texas has a movie marathon while drinking homemade cinnamon apple tea. His family likes to start with a classic movie, like It’s a Wonderful Life, and end with a laugh from movies like Elf and The Grinch.

Matt K. smokes a turkey while also watching Elf with the fambam — there are tons of Will Ferrell fans out there.

Alison P. from New Jersey watches A Very Muppet Christmas every year with her family while they decorate the tree. Sounds like a good time!

Mark P. from Illinois has a yearly poker game with his crew. Why not lose money to your family instead of giving gifts?

Tessie S. opens up one gift with her daughter on Christmas Eve while watching The Santa Clause movie series all cozied up.

Mary D. also opens up one gift (always pajamas) on Christmas Eve with her loved ones, and watches A Christmas Story.

Stephanie S. wakes up Christmas morning to enjoy brunch with the whole family. I smell bacon!

Jermaine W. from New York has a New Year’s breakfast with his squad, while they discuss goals and travel plans for the entire year. Now that’s what I call squad goals.

Are you ready to celebrate your unique holiday traditions? ☃️

Whether you have a unique tradition or just a unique family, MoneyLion would like to wish you a safe and happy holiday season. Leave us a comment below if you have a wacky tradition that you would like to share!

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