How to Incorporate Diversity and Inclusion in Your Workplace

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Your company’s culture is a very important factor contributing to your success. If your team is going to pave the way in creativity and top performance, you’re going to have to focus on diversity and inclusion. 

In this guide, we’ll discuss how to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. We’ve put together some practical tips you can take to your manager, or implement yourself. 

What is diversity and inclusion?

Diversity refers to the traits and characteristics that make people unique. Diversity can concern people from different cultural backgrounds, religions, ages, experiences, political ideologies, genders, and more. Diversity is ultimately about embracing what makes people different. 

Inclusion refers to the actual behaviors that make people from a diverse background feel welcomed. Inclusion is about making the effort to understand different perspectives and remain respectful. 

It’s one thing to have a team where everyone has a different point of view, but if those voices aren’t made to feel heard – there is no inclusion. The benefits of diversity can only be felt once we make a conscious effort to be inclusive. 

Why is diversity and inclusion important in the workplace?

Employers that make an active effort to hire people from diverse backgrounds and implement inclusivity tend to be able to attract top-notch talent and see smaller turnover rates. Employees also tend to be happier and more productive in workplace environments where they feel their differences are valued and respected. 

With diversity comes a wide range of skill sets and perspectives that help boost creativity. Other benefits included higher productivity, greater revenue, and even an enhanced company reputation. 

7 Meaningful Ways To Create a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Looking for ways to boost diversity and inclusion at your workplace? We’ve put together some tips to help you implement real change. 

1. Group Training and Seminars

Diversity and inclusion group training workshops, and seminars can be a great way to open up everyone’s mind towards acceptance. You can learn real-world tools catered to your specific company culture. Plus, many programs are held virtually. If you aren’t sure where to start, here are some companies that host diversity training seminars. 

2. Invite Guest Speakers

Consider inviting a guest speaker into the workplace to discuss helpful ways your business could implement more diversity-orientated policies. 

Another good idea is to look into leaders within your industry that are from diverse racial or cultural backgrounds. Sometimes, learning something from people that don’t look or sound like you, can be a great way to promote diversity. 

Start by looking through our selection of African American financial leaders to follow

3. Create Employee Resource Groups

Creating a council or resource group solely focused on promoting diversity and inclusion can help pave the way for change. Chances are, some employees may already be keen on helping set up this type of council. 

4. Foster Celebrate Everyone Culture

Diversity is about celebrating and valuing different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. A “colorblind” policy glosses over these differences and doesn’t allow for open discussion. 

Instead, work towards celebrating people’s individual backgrounds by encouraging learning, open-mindedness, questions, and even recognizing various cultural holidays throughout the year. 

5. Establishing Partnership Programs

Establishing an internship, apprenticeship, or recruiting program aimed at people and youth from different backgrounds can bring a number of benefits to your business and your community. 

For starters, you’ll be able to attract a wider applicant pool and access more talent. You’ll also be playing an active role in helping foster career opportunities within your community. Finally, your clients and customers will appreciate the effort you’re making to attract diverse talent. 

6. Avoid Tokenism

Tokenism is essentially diversity without inclusion. It’s an empty attempt at surface-level diversity, without the real effort to make others feel heard or value people from different backgrounds. 

Tokenism can mean hiring people from diverse backgrounds because of their diverse backgrounds – instead of their talents or experience. Instead, focus on making a conscious effort to see the benefits that different people can bring to the table. 

7. Listen to Employees

You can hold all kinds of diversity seminars, workshops, internship programs, and celebrate different holidays, but if your employees say it’s not working – then it’s probably time to make a change. 

Make the effort to listen to employees, especially those from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds, about whether the steps you’ve taken are leading towards improvement. Remember, diversity and inclusion is all about allowing different voices to speak up. Make the effort to foster open, honest communication in the workplace. 

Present Your Plan

When planning to present your diversity and inclusion plans to management, remember to open the conversation up by focusing on the benefits diversity brings to the workplace. 

Use specific scenarios from your company where a problem was created due to a lack of diversity. Then, connect the dots and present how greater diversity and inclusion could have helped mitigate or avoid the issue. 

Make sure to do your research before presenting actionable steps to your management team. If you’re planning on working with a diversity training program or guest speaker, get their rates and availability ahead of time. The more details you go into about plausible actions and the benefits they will have – the more likely it is for your plan to get approved!

Banking on Diversity and Inclusion 

If you’re serious about diversity and inclusion, consider working with dfree®, a non-profit focusing on helping traditionally underserved communities improve their finances and overall well being. A MoneyLion partner, dfree® offers banking, financial literacy, and approachable solutions to the African American community.

MoneyLion has been focused on democratizing financial institutions from the start. That’s why we offer banking products, cashback rewards, investing tools, credit score resources, and safe alternatives to payday loans to empower everyone – no matter their background. 

Explore how MoneyLion can help you take charge of your financial health!

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