How to Start Affiliate Marketing in 2024 (Even With No Money)

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How to Start Affiliate Marketing

Do you ever dream about making money online? If so, it’s time to learn how to start affiliate marketing. With this strategy, you can earn money online in 2024 — even if you don’t have experience or a large budget. 

This guide gives you everything you need to launch your affiliate marketing career, either full-time or as a side hustle. Take a look at how to start affiliate marketing!

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What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where you earn a commission for promoting someone else’s products or services. 

You choose a product you like, promote it to others, and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make. This approach is popular among digital marketers as it creates a win-win scenario for both the affiliate and the product owner.

In simple terms, it involves three parties: the seller or product creator, the affiliate or advertiser, and the consumer. The affiliate uses various platforms, like blogs, social media, or a website, to promote the product and attract potential customers. They often include special links (affiliate links) that track the traffic sent to the product’s sales page.

When a consumer clicks on one of these links and makes a purchase, the affiliate earns a commission. The commission rate can vary widely, depending on the company and the product. This makes affiliate marketing an attractive option for those looking to generate passive income online.

How does affiliate marketing work?

Affiliate marketing works by leveraging online platforms to promote products or services to potential customers. As an affiliate, you sign up for a company’s affiliate program, receive a unique affiliate link, and use this link in your content—such as blog posts, social media updates, or email newsletters. When someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission from the sale.

The process is tracked through affiliate networks, which use technology to monitor clicks and sales. They ensure that all referrals are accurately recorded and that affiliates receive their due payments. This system allows for detailed tracking of multiple campaigns and products, making it easier for affiliates to optimize their strategies and increase their earnings. 

Let’s break down how affiliate marketing works!

1. Merchant or advertiser

The merchant, also known as the advertiser, is a company that sells products or services and offers an affiliate program. They are responsible for creating and managing the affiliate program, setting commission rates, and providing marketing materials to affiliates. 

When a product is sold through an affiliate link, the merchant pays a commission to the affiliate based on the agreed terms.

2. Affiliate

An affiliate is an individual or business that partners with a merchant to promote products or services, often through a blog, social media, or website. Affiliates use their platforms to introduce their audience to the merchant’s offerings and earn a commission on sales or specific actions taken through their unique affiliate links. 

The role of the affiliate is crucial in bridging the gap between consumers and the products or services they might be interested in.

3. Consumer

Consumers are the end-users who purchase products or services through affiliate links. They play a pivotal role in the affiliate marketing process as their actions—purchasing or completing a desired task like filling out a form—generate revenue for both affiliates and merchants. 

The consumer’s interaction with affiliate links directly influences the effectiveness and profitability of affiliate marketing campaigns.

What does an affiliate marketer do?

An affiliate marketer’s primary responsibility is to promote a merchant’s products or services and earn commissions for any successful sales or leads generated through promotional efforts. This involves several key activities that enhance the visibility and attractiveness of the products or services they endorse.

Content creation

Affiliate marketers create engaging content that incorporates affiliate links. This could include blog posts, videos, reviews, and social media posts. The content is designed to provide value to the audience, such as solving a problem or offering insights, which in turn helps to promote the products effectively.

SEO and traffic generation

To ensure their content reaches a broad audience, affiliate marketers employ search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. They optimize their content to rank higher in search engine results, driving organic traffic to their sites. Additionally, they may use paid advertising or social media campaigns to attract more visitors.

Building trust and authority

Successful affiliate marketers work on establishing themselves as trusted authorities in their niche. They do this by consistently providing valuable information and honest reviews. This trust encourages their audience to consider the recommended products or services, potentially leading to more conversions.

Monitoring and analytics

Affiliates regularly monitor the performance of their promotional strategies and the affiliate links using analytics tools provided by affiliate networks or through their own tracking setups. This data helps them understand what works best and adjust their tactics accordingly to maximize their earnings.

By focusing on these activities, affiliate marketers effectively connect consumers with products or services they might be interested in, benefiting all parties involved in the affiliate marketing ecosystem.

3 common types of affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing can be broken down into three main approaches, take a look.

1. Blogs and websites

Affiliate marketers use blogs and websites as a platform to write detailed product reviews, informative articles, and guides that include affiliate links. This content not only helps to educate readers but also encourages them to click through and make purchases. 

The effectiveness of blogs and websites often hinges on strong SEO practices to attract organic traffic.

2. Social media

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube offer affiliates a way to engage with a large audience. By posting product recommendations, demonstrating products in videos, or sharing special affiliate links, marketers can directly interact with their followers and drive sales. 

Social media allows for real-time interaction, which can significantly enhance promotional efforts.

3. Email marketing

Email marketing involves sending targeted messages to a list of subscribers who have opted in to receive updates from the marketer. These emails can include product recommendations, discounts, and personalized content containing affiliate links. 

This method is highly effective as it reaches an audience that has already shown interest in the affiliate’s content, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversions.

How do affiliate marketers get paid?

Affiliate marketers earn money through various commission structures based on the terms set by the affiliate program. The most common models include pay-per-sale, pay-per-click, and pay-per-lead. 

In pay-per-sale, the affiliate earns a percentage of the sale price when a purchase is made through their affiliate link. 

Pay-per-click is another popular arrangement. This involves earning money based on the number of visitors directed to the merchant’s website, regardless of whether a sale is made. 

Lastly, pay-per-lead pays the affiliate based on how many visitors complete specific actions, like filling out a contact form or signing up for a trial.

According to Glassdoor, the average affiliate marketer’s income is $65,475. 

How to start affiliate marketing with no money: 8 steps 

It takes money to make money, right? Well, it may be true in most industries, but not affiliate marketing. You can start affiliate marketing with no money if you know which steps to take.


HERE’S HOW?? ➡️ Pick a profitable niche (Go on Google to find the best ones) ➡️ Find an affiliate program that pays you 30-40% commissions. ➡️ Create a 2 page sales funnel ➡️ An email campaign ➡️ Brand new social media accounts ➡️ Create content on social media to bring traffic to your links ➡️ Cash out ?? This business model was already one of my income streams as a multi 6 figure entrepreneur ????‍♀️ A few months ago, I took a 15 day course that taught me the skills to automate the business and it now pays me 4 figures a week on autopilot. ?? To learn the same way I did?? DM ME: “AFFILIATE” & I will send you my FREE beginners guide! FOLLOW FOR MORE ? ➡️ @michelletheluxnomad ? @michelletheluxnomad ? @michelletheluxnomad DISCLAIMER: *Results are not guaranteed and most people who learn the skills earn little to no results. You could get more, less, or no results at all. Examples given are my results. All business entails risk, hard work, dedication and consistency.*

♬ original sound – Michelle|Lux Nomad Lifestyle

Step 1: Choose an affiliate marketing niche

Select a niche or industry where you have both knowledge and passion. This familiarity helps you create more valuable content and establish credibility with your audience, which is essential in attracting and maintaining their interest.

Step 2: Set up your website or social media platform

Create a free website or blog using platforms like, Blogger, or Wix, which offer no-cost hosting and domain options. Additionally, set up profiles on relevant social media platforms and actively engage with your target audience to build a following.

Step 3: Join affiliate marketing programs

Research and join affiliate programs that align with your niche. Many programs, including Amazon Associates, are free to join and provide a range of products to promote with affiliate links.

Step 4: Create quality content

Focus on consistently producing high-quality content, such as product reviews, guides, and comparisons. This content should not only engage your audience but also seamlessly integrate your affiliate links.

Step 5: Optimize for search engines and social media algorithms

Learn basic SEO techniques to improve your content’s visibility in search engine results, increasing organic traffic. Similarly, understand and utilize social media algorithms to enhance your presence and reach on those platforms.

Step 6: Build an email list

Use free services like MailChimp or BrevoSendinBlue to build an email list. Offer incentives such as exclusive content or a free e-book to encourage subscriptions, which can help maintain and deepen audience engagement.

Step 7: Collaborate and network

Network with other bloggers or influencers in your niche. Look for opportunities to guest post, collaborate on product reviews, or form partnerships that can help expand your reach and audience base.

Step 8: Stay consistent and patient

Affiliate marketing requires patience and consistent effort. Continue to produce quality content, engage with your audience, and explore new marketing strategies to build and sustain your affiliate marketing business.

Step steps in online affiliate marketing

Now that you know how to start affiliate marketing with no money, it’s time to take action. By following the eight steps above, you’ll put yourself on the right path to breaking into the industry. From there, the more time and effort you put into affiliate marketing the greater the potential for above-average earnings.


How do I become an affiliate marketer?

To become an affiliate marketer, start by choosing a niche that interests you and where you have some expertise. 

Next, create a platform such as a blog, website, or social media profile where you can publish content and engage with your audience. Make sure to also sign up for affiliate programs that offer products in your niche, and incorporate their affiliate links into your content. 

Finally, focus on driving traffic to your platform through SEO, social media, and email marketing.

How to start an affiliate marketing business?

Starting an affiliate marketing business involves identifying a niche, setting up a digital platform (like a blog or social media account), and joining relevant affiliate programs. 

Create valuable content that includes your affiliate links, and use various digital marketing strategies to attract and retain an audience. Monitor your progress and optimize your strategies based on analytics to increase your earnings over time.

What is the best way to start affiliate marketing?

The best way to start affiliate marketing is just to dive in head first by selecting a niche you are passionate about, as this will keep you motivated. Build a website or social media presence where you can post high-quality content that integrates affiliate links. 

From there, join reputable affiliate programs that align with your niche and focus on building an audience by providing valuable content and optimizing for SEO and social media.

Does affiliate marketing really pay?

Yes, affiliate marketing is a totally legit way to earn income and may even pay pretty well. Earnings vary widely based on factors like niche,  how much traffic you’re able to generate, and how effective your promotional strategies are. 

Many affiliates earn a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month, with top performers making substantial incomes reaching well into the seven figures. It can definitely be a solid source of part-time income as well as a full-time career with the right dedication. 

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