21 Ways to Save Money and Live Better

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Save Money Live Better

Most of us are trying to achieve financial stability as we search for a better quality of life. But this can only be possible when you prioritize saving for the future. You can try several strategies to increase your savings. Here are 21 ways to help save money and live better in your search for financial security.

1. Financial goals

Financial goals are the specific objectives you set to better manage finances and improve your future. Setting financial goals helps you make smarter decisions with your money. Start by figuring out what’s most important to you and break down each goal into smaller steps.

2. Track expenses

When you track your expenses, you can see exactly where your money goes each month. It will quickly become clear whether you are spending too much money on items or activities you can live without. With the Moneylion app you could link your accounts and see your finances in one convenient place for better financial management. 

3. Create a budget

A budget outlines a plan for how much you can spend on different categories. To create a personal budget, add up your monthly income and make a list of your monthly expenses. This way, you can see what spending patterns need to change.

4. Cut down on housing expenses

You have several options to reduce your housing budget. First, consider downsizing to a more affordable place if it’s an option for you. If you own your home, refinancing your mortgage at a lower interest rate can help lower your monthly payments. 

5. Reduce transportation costs

Transportation expenses include more than the cost of your car — you also need to spend on fuel, insurance, maintenance, and repairs. Instead of using your own car, you could try carpooling with others or using public transportation. 

6. Save on food 

Saving money on food can reduce your monthly budget, allowing you to save more. You could consider buying store brands instead of name brands — they’re often cheaper and just as good. If you have space and time, you can grow your own fruits and vegetables.

7. Entertainment and leisure

Although paid entertainment can be enticing, it is possible to have fun without spending too much money. For instance, you could look for free or low-cost activities in your area, like free concerts or festivals. Hobbies like reading and drawing or do-it-yourself (DIY) projects can also be enjoyable and don’t cost much.

8. Lower utility bills

To use less electricity and cut costs, remember to turn off lights and appliances when you don’t need them. Use energy-saving light bulbs and smart power strips that automatically turn off electronics when not in use. To save on water bills, fix any leaks right away and use low-flow faucets and showerheads. Another useful tip is to save rainwater and only run the dishwasher or washing machine when you have a full load.

9. Adopt smart shopping habits

Being a smart shopper can save you money and help you avoid buying things on impulse. Ask yourself whether you really need something before buying it. To save even more, use coupons, cashback apps, or discount codes.

10. Take advantage of loyalty programs

Many stores and businesses offer loyalty programs where you earn points or get discounts for being a loyal customer. To take advantage of these programs, start by signing up for them at your favorite stores or restaurants. Some loyalty programs also offer personalized discounts based on your shopping habits.

11. Prioritize debt repayment

High-interest debts can drain your money, making it hard to save or invest. To manage debt, choose an effective debt repayment strategy, make regular payments, and cut back on unnecessary spending.

12. Cancel subscriptions

Getting rid of unnecessary subscriptions helps you save money for more important things or future goals. Take a look at all of your subscriptions, like for streaming services or magazines, and consider whether you really need them. If some subscriptions aren’t worth the cost, ‌cancel them.

13. DIY projects

You don’t always need to hire professionals for small home projects. DIY projects are a great way to save money and make your home unique. You can learn how to do things like fixing leaks, painting, and building simple furniture by following online tutorials or reading DIY books.

14. Embrace secondhand

Instead of buying new things, consider getting secondhand items like furniture, clothes, or electronics. You can find them in good condition at lower prices in thrift stores, online, or at garage sales.

15. Cancel gym memberships

Staying fit doesn’t always require a gym subscription. You can exercise outdoors by jogging or biking in the park. You can also follow workout videos online at home.

16. Plan for travel

When you plan to travel, try booking your flights and places to stay early to get better deals. Booking ahead usually means lower prices and more options. Also, consider traveling during off-peak times, as prices tend to be cheaper.

17. Review insurance policies

Life changes, like moving or starting a family, can affect what insurance coverage you need, whether it’s for your car or health. Review your policies constantly and shop around to make sure you’re not paying more than you need to.

18. Take advantage of free activities

Free activities, like going to parks, libraries, or community events are fantastic ways to have fun without spending money. Local community events and festivals are often free.

19. Minimize impulse buying

To avoid impulse buying, ask yourself whether you really need the item and whether it fits your budget. This can help prevent buying things that you may not really need in the long run.

20. DIY personal care

Instead of paying for professional services, try doing services like manicures or facials at home. You’ll have fun learning and can achieve great results with practice.

21. Automate savings

Set up automatic transfers from your main account to a separate savings account. This way, a portion of your income will be automatically saved without any intervention.

MoneyLion offers a convenient marketplace to compare high-yield savings accounts from our trusted partners that could help grow your money.

Saving money for a better future

Saving money is the key to living a better life and reaching your financial goals. Stick to your savings routine and resist the urge to spend on things you don’t really need. With the right mindset, you’ll feel more secure and reach your goals with ease.


How can I start saving money?

You can start saving money by creating a budget, cutting back on unnecessary expenses, and setting up automatic transfers to a savings account.

What are some effective ways to live better without spending a lot?

Some effective ways to live better without spending a lot include buying secondhand items and learning to do personal-care tasks yourself.

Can saving money actually improve my life?

Saving money can improve your life. Regular savings provides financial security, can reduce stress, and enables you to handle emergencies.

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